Copy and Paste: Our Go-To “Thank You” Email Templates

Let’s be honest: the interview process can be grueling. From resumes and cover letters, to multiple rounds of interviews, the process to land a job can often feel like a job in itself! So when the last of the interviews with the hiring team are complete, most applicants feel relieved that they can now sit back and wait to hear back on next steps. However, by not being proactive, you could be leaving a huge opportunity to set yourself apart from the other candidates in the pool. 

Just as you probably aren’t 100 percent sure how the interview went in the eyes of the hiring manager, they also need affirmation of your continued interest in the position after you had a chance to learn more and meet with their team. 

By sending a thank you email within hours after your interview, you aren’t only being polite and thanking the team for their time, but also reaffirming your interest and eagerness to move forward with next steps in the hiring process. 

Not sure what to say? The Guide to Graduate team has you covered. Keep reading for our tips and tricks for assembling the perfect post-interview thank you email, along with a template to copy and paste and make your own!

Structuring your post-interview thank you email:

The perfect thank you email is clear and concise (hiring managers are busy!), and leaves the team you met with confidence in your capabilities and interest in the position. 

Here at GTG, our go-to thank you email flows a little like this: 

  • Say hello!
  • Thank the hiring manager and express your appreciation for their time 
  • Mention something specific that came up in conversation or that stuck out to you 
  • Reaffirm your interest in the role, along with your confidence in how and why you know you’re the best person for the job
  • Ask follow up questions, if you have them
  • Leave your contact information, even if they already have it
  • Re-express your excitement for the role and that you look forward to hearing about next steps in the hiring process

While every thank you email will vary, here’s an example to show you what it looks like all together: 

Hi {first name},

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today to discuss how my experience aligns with the team and {role} at {company name}

I really enjoyed learning more about {mention a specific topic you discussed}, and am confident that my experience and expertise in {niche area/role expertise} makes me the perfect fit for the role as {job title}

I did have a couple of questions I wanted to follow up on…{list any questions, if you have them}

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions or if I can clarify/further expand on anything from our conversation today. You can reach me any time at: {list contact info}.

Thank you again–this is a position I’d be thrilled to take on, and am looking forward to hearing from you regarding next steps. 

Best Regards,
{your name and email signature}

Note: If you interview multiple people in a single day, take the time to send them each an individual thank you email. It will show your attention to detail and give your message a more personalized feel. 

And what if you still don’t land the job?

First things first–go easy on yourself. Most job seekers go through an average of twelve job interviews before landing a new role. Rather than getting upset, use the rejection email from the hiring manager as an opportunity to add some new names to your network:

  • Say thank you to the hiring manager for keeping you in the loop 
  • Share your disappointment–but don’t go overboard
  • Re-express your gratitude for their time and consideration 
  • Request consideration for future opportunities that may be a better fit 

Here’s how it looks in action: 

Hi {first name},

Thank you for letting me know about your decision. While it’s disappointing to hear that my experience isn’t quite what {company name} is looking for right now, I am still very interested in the company. 

I’d love to stay connected {link to your LinkedIn page}, and would appreciate your further consideration if any future positions pop up that you feel would be a better fit for my skills.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Best Regards,
{your name and email signature}

By sending a thoughtful response after an interview and/or rejection, you’ll leave a lasting impression on the hiring team. Who knows–even if you don’t land the job, you could be setting yourself up for future opportunities through your newly-expanded network!

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