Is Your Coworker a ‘Quiet Quitter?’

Let’s be honest–no matter how much we love our jobs, sometimes work can be a bit…boring. We’ve all had those days where we can’t seem to focus or find interest in anything we’re doing. But what happens if you keep up that workflow day in and day out; clocking in and almost fully checking-out? Well, there’s a term for that: quiet quitting.

Quiet quitting, a rising trend popping up in social media feeds and news sites around the globe, refers to when an employee does their job simply by meeting the bare minimum at work, a reversal of the tendency to go above and beyond in the workplace

How can you tell if your coworkers are quiet quitters, and, even more importantly, how can you avoid becoming one yourself? Thankfully, your Guide to Graduate team is here to help. Keep reading as we dive into the signs of a quiet quitter, and strategies you can use to avoid falling victim. 

Signs that a Quiet Quitter May Be Amongst You

Have you noticed more work piling on your plate? Has your once chatty coworker stopped their morning check-ins or casual conversations, or is no longer speaking up during meetings? Does the person that comes to mind isolate themselves and seem disengaged? Chances are, you’re picking up the energy (and slack!) of a quiet quitter.

Think of quiet quitters like that one person who never contributed to the group project in school, but always showed up to take credit during the final presentation. And, because quiet quitters are typically disengaged during work hours, they are known to slack off on projects or work they’re assigned. Deadlines become more like options, and doing the bare minimum becomes the usual.  

So, if you notice a significant, lasting change in a coworker, and their responsibilities keep piling up out of nowhere, it may be a good idea to have a chat with your manager. Then, follow our tips below so you don’t end up in the same bucket. 

How to Avoid Becoming a Quiet Quitter

Take Breaks 

Taking breaks isn’t just a good idea–it’s also good for your health. By taking brief breaks from work throughout the day, you’re giving both your body and brain a chance to reset. Whatsmore, taking breaks has been proven to relieve stress, revive focus, and prevent burnout. 

Seek Balance

More often than not, misery at work stems from burnout. And, to no surprise, one of the leading factors behind burnout stems from not having a healthy work-life balance. While everyone’s version of what an ideal work-life balance looks like varies based on personal preference, the most important part is ensuring that you have balance.

If it feels like work has been flooding into your personal life lately, start by taking a step back. Communicate your frustrations with your manager, and set designated working hours and clear boundaries, with expectations that you will be fully “clocked out” during non-working hours. Spend that time focusing on you–your mental health, family, personal time, and passions. 

And speaking of passions…

Reignite Your Passions

Sometimes, we lose interest in our work simply because we’re no longer doing tasks that spark our passions. Thankfully, there are ways to weave your interests into your career and daily life. 

From ideating and pitching new projects at work that motivate you, to joining a local meetup that’s focused on your same interests, simply pursuing what gets us excited can reignite our passion in all aspects of our lives, even beyond our careers. 

Continue reading: How to Truly Love What You Do

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