Five Tips to Navigate Change in the Workplace

Let’s be honest–no matter the circumstances, change isn’t usually something we seek out. More often than not, change can take on a disruptive role in our lives, especially when it happens in the workplace. But change doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. 

From new technology to a new team member with an advanced set of skills, change in the workplace can bring innovation and new ways of working. And it’s how you react to, and adapt with, changes in the workplace that can help you transform a time of transition into new opportunities to grow and showcase your skills.

To learn how to do just that, keep reading as the Guide to Graduate team shares our top tips and tricks to navigate any kind of change thrown your way. Let’s dive into it!

Keep the Lines of Communication Open

Communication is always key, and, during a time of change within a company, it’s essential. 

After any implementation of a workplace change, it’s crucial to maintain good communication with your direct manager. They can not only act as a sounding board for any of your potential concerns or frustrations, but also help you navigate new tasks and ensure you’re incorporating changes effectively. 

Whatsmore, by keeping an open line of communication with your manager or supervisor,  you’ll be showing how much you care about the role and adapting to new routines. 

Offer to Help

Change, if anything, is uncertain. One way to boost the certainty a bit is to offer your help and involvement. By working closely with the “changemakers,” you’ll have inside insight into how or why a change may be needed in the first place. 

Even if you may not be able to assist, the fact that you’ve extended your offer and shown your care can boost your reputation amongst those key decision makers. 

Focus on Relationship Building

Effective teamwork is founded upon trust and respect. If new changes at work bring about new teammates or managers, embrace this as a time to foster new relationships (as well as your existing ones). 

Mix up your usual seat in the lunchroom, and carve out time to chat with folks on other teams. The stronger your workplace relationships, the more effective you, and your team, can be working together toward your common goals. 

(Try to) Maintain a Positive Mindset

Have you ever heard the saying “What You Think You Create. What You Feel You Attract. What You Imagine You Become?” 

Whether you’re happy about new changes at work or not, that doesn’t mean you can’t fake it (being happy, that is) until you make it. By thinking positively regardless of the circumstances around you, you can greatly influence your ability to accept and adapt to them.

To help shift your outlook, think about the long-term purpose of these changes, and how they can positively influence your unique role at the company. By approaching changes with a mindset of their potential benefits, it will be easier for you to adapt with them.  

And speaking of adaptability…

Remember: Change is Constant

The biggest lesson of all is to recognize that change is constant. That means that once you’ve adjusted to a new role or routine doesn’t mean you’re done forever. 

From personal career and role changes, to executive changes beyond your control, change is inevitable. As such, taking every change at work as an opportunity to learn a new skill and enhance your adaptability will expose you to new challenges and opportunities you may not have had otherwise. 

We’ll close this out with one final reminder that change, even in the workplace, doesn’t have to equate to disruption. When you’re able to channel changes into moments of growth and new opportunities, change can be the forcing function you need to kick your career into high gear!

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