Food to Finance: These Industries are on a Hiring Frenzy

When it comes to finding your next role, it’s important to know what kind of industry you’re getting into. Is it projected to grow or plateau? Are there opportunities for advancement? Is it welcoming to new grads or entry-level applicants?

Answering these kinds of questions requires a bit of research. But don’t worry–the Guide to Graduate writers already did that for you! Whether you’re gearing up to graduate, or interested in trying a new industry, keep reading for our list of four industries bursting with job openings and exciting opportunities!


After the effects and implications of nearly two years of pandemic lockdowns, the foodservice industry is ready to make a big comeback. In fact, foodservice as a whole is on track to surpass $898 billion by December of this year–a 10.9% increase from the previous year. And the industry is desperate for employees–something job seekers can use to their advantage. 

With more than 14.9 million jobs projected to be added to the industry by the end of 2022, the foodservice industry can offer new grads and those looking for a career change an easy-entry to the industry, with endless opportunities for growth. 

In fact, the majority of current foodservice managers kicked off their careers waiting tables or working in the kitchen, and then learned the ropes and worked their way up. To explore opportunities in your area, specifically, head to a job board designed for seekers like you at sites like iHobnob.


You’ve probably heard it before–there is a huge demand for healthcare workers. Employment in the industry is projected to grow 13 percent by 2031, which is a much faster growth rate than average for nearly any occupation. All in all, this increase is expected to result in about two million new jobs added over the decade.

Most healthcare roles do require education or certifications to be completed before you can start earning a paycheck. However, the end result is a rewarding job, and near-guarantee of job security and growth opportunities throughout your entire career. 

To explore job opportunities in healthcare in your area, visit a job board like Indeed or


Jobs within the finance sector are projected to grow 8% in the next decade, and the industry as a whole is investing in their hiring and retention plans. For new grads, tech-savvy professionals, especially, this is great news.

FinTech (Financial Technology) and InsurTech (Insurance Technology) segments are seeking out young talent with tech skills, and are investing in programs like company mentorship and professional development opportunities for new hires to learn and grow with the company. 

Popular entry-level jobs in the finance industry include analysts, tax associates, auditors, and financial advisors, and can be found on job boards like Indeed.

Public Schools

Education–more specifically, public schools–are in dire need of teachers and school administrators. In fact, some districts kicked off their school year with nearly 1,000 job vacancies. In Texas, the National Guard was called in to help head up classrooms as a fill-in for teachers. 

While the role doesn’t come without its cons, the good news for aspiring teachers already in possession of a bachelor’s degree is there’s no additional education required, and plenty of open spots that need filling. 

Remember, no matter where your next role takes you, nothing has to be permanent if you don’t want it to be. If you try out a new position in one of these industries and it doesn’t feel like a good fit for you, don’t be afraid to keep trying something new! All that matters is you continue learning and growing along the way.

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