The Do’s and Don’ts of Putting in Your Notice

Here at Guide to Graduate, our team is composed of both seasoned professionals and new-to-the-workforce faces. So, as you can imagine, we often have a range of diverse opinions to pull from on each and every topic we write about. And this week’s topic, proposed by a fellow Guide to Graduate reader, was no exception. 

After a grueling interview process, Eric, a recent graduate with about a year of experience under his belt, finally landed his dream sales job. However, the next step–notifying his employer of his new role–left him feeling a bit helpless. 

Eager for some expert-advice and support. Eric wrote to our team for our do’s and don’ts of  putting in a two weeks notice. Ready to dive into it? Keep reading.

The ‘Dos’…

Keep it Professional 

One of the first rules of thumb when putting in your resignation is to keep it professional. And while that may sound like a no-brainer, you’d be surprised how many employees throw workplace curiosity and basic manners out the window when it comes time to move on to a new company. 

However, no matter how freeing it may feel at the time, this is a critical moment to keep future-you in mind. While it may seem like a great idea to turn in your notice and tell off your boss (we’ve all day-dreamed about it one time or another), remember that burning bridges–especially with those who could be a future reference–is rarely ever in your best interest, careerwise. 

Our advice? Put your two week notice in writing, and take some time to chat with your manager face-to-face (or at least via phone call) to professionally thank them for their support and the opportunities they’d provided you. Even if the sentiment isn’t 100% aligned with how you feel, you’ll leave on a positive note in the eyes of your employer, which can help you tenfold in the future of your career. 

Provide Ample Notice

On the topic of keeping it professional, all of the Guide to Graduate writers agree on one thing: providing plenty of notice is essential. Two weeks is the standard, and is meant to give your current employer enough time to fill your role and responsibilities while you’re still available to assist in any transition. 

If you’re absolutely unable to provide a full two week notice, make sure to offer as much support to your employer to help make the transition easier on the team. The more positive lasting impressions you can leave, the stronger your network will grow. 

… and Definite ‘Don’ts’

Don’t Slack Off

We get it– the final stretch of any job can be a bit demotivating. But, it’s intrinsic motivation and strong work ethic that can help set you apart from any other employee that’s passed through the company.

Once you’ve given your notice, do all you can to help your team carry any projects through the finish line so you don’t leave them with any loose ends. You’ll not only leave a lasting impression of the reasons you were hired in the first place, but can also help leave a door of opportunity open should you need (or want) to re enter it in the future. 

Don’t Disappear

Speaking of future doors of opportunity, those can quickly shut behind you if you don’t put in the work to maintain your professional relationships. So, once you’ve given your notice and finished up your last shift, don’t disappear on your former teammates.

Maintain your presence by taking some time to check-in via LinkedIn or email each quarter. Congratulate former coworkers on achievements and company milestones, and keep the lines of communication open. You never know when they may come in handy!

Have a tip or best practice when it comes to putting in your two weeks notice? Share it with Eric and our community in the comments!

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